Recent Posts

  • 119 Students Promoted

    Sunrise Middle School has promoted 119 students to high school.  Our students will be attending 25 different area high schools, including several prestigious private high schools on full scholarship. Congratulations, …
  • Another First Place!

    The Sunrise boys soccer team won the league championship, 1-0 against KIPP.  This is the second first place trophy for the Aztecs. Earlier, the boys basketball team won first place …
  • Sunrise Teacher Is Honored

    Many congratulations to Ruben Guzman for being honored tonight as a recipient of the $2,000 Dr. Harry Edwards Follow Your Bliss award, given for the seventh year now by the …

Ruben Guzman

Subdirector/Maestro de matemáticas

Mi nombre es Sr. Guzman. Nací en Sanger, California, que está cerca de Fresno, California. Mi familia emigró de Colima, México y crecí hablando solo español hasta que estuve en la escuela. Fui a Middlebury College en Vermont gratis y me gradué en Economía. Me encantan las
matemáticas y las ciencias y he estado enseñando durante cinco años. Creo que mi trabajo como profesor es hacer que los estudiantes crean en sí mismos y tomen una posición activa en su comunidad. Los estudiantes de Sunrise Middle School son el futuro, y trabajaré duro para
asegurarme de que tengan éxito.

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Recent Posts

  • 119 Students Promoted

    119 Students Promoted

    Sunrise Middle School has promoted 119 students to high school.  Our students will be attending 25 different area high schools, including several prestigious private high schools on full scholarship. Congratulations, …
  • Another First Place!

    Another First Place!

    The Sunrise boys soccer team won the league championship, 1-0 against KIPP.  This is the second first place trophy for the Aztecs. Earlier, the boys basketball team won first place …
  • Sunrise Teacher Is Honored

    Sunrise Teacher Is Honored

    Many congratulations to Ruben Guzman for being honored tonight as a recipient of the $2,000 Dr. Harry Edwards Follow Your Bliss award, given for the seventh year now by the …
